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Striving to be a Food Security Leader in Africa

Efficient, scientific farming

Our mission at Dombelfarms is to help ensure food security for Africa through affordable and efficient food production. At Dombelfarms, we understand the importance of using scientific practices, mechanization, and good management.


The key to agricultural production is inputs. We are one of the few, if not the only, provider of high quality feed inputs in our region. We use innovative subscriptions to help farmers get the feed when they need it at a great price. We save farmers over 15% in feed costs, which doubles their profits.


With a 20,000-layer egg farm, 1,000-acre maize farm, and ready-made poultry feed distribution, we are committed to making a meaningful impact on the future of Africa's food industry.


Social Impact

Improving our communities

Dombelfarms is committed to our team members and our communities.​ Dombelfarms has provided employment to over 500 people through its AbusuaPa Community Alliance program. For our partner village of Chibrinyoa, this employment means it no longer has to rely on carbon-intensive and unhealthy charcoal production as an income source. Dombelfarms is also committed to our employees. For entry-level positions, we currently pay at least 150% of the market rate. Our commitment to Africa includes everyone, including our employees.

Dombelfarms is committed to lead on addressing food security in Africa

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